Marshfrog Candles

Stuck in a continuous rut of corporate burn out, India James started Marshfrog out of a place of need. At first, just a hobby to escape the daily grind, soon turned into a larger conversation with friends and family. Using candles as a medium for her release and story sharing, she evoked scents from her hometown in Louisiana, that reminded her of a simpler time before all of the stress ensued. Working with India on everything from her initial identity design and messaging - to her packaging website design and art direction, we focused in on the tag line “from the heart and home” giving people a sense of comfort with the product. Now, expanding beyond candles and into storytelling, she hopes her line will help her share her struggles and comforts - and inspire others to share theirs too.



project overview:

Branding, Packaging, Website Design, Messaging, Art Direction

Brand Guidelines:


